Columbine - a bouquet of roses
Charming bouquet of roses It helps you make a memorable gift your near and dear man. The abundance of bright colors, significantly raise the mood of any person. sending a bouquet of chrysanthemums with delivery, you will make the recipient smile and think about the good.
Tiered bouquet "optimist", made up of colorful lilies will not leave anyone indifferent, even if you present it to your boss. In addition, this bouquet truly be called universal, because it is perfect, both women and men, on the occasion of the celebration and as a nice token.
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
Арина Белякова / г. Камень-на- Оби / 14.09.2020bouquet rating:Благодарю сотрудников за оперативность и прекрасный сервис. Я заказала доставку по номеру телефона, тк адрес получателя не знала. Как выяснилось, человек проживает в пригороде Твери. Со мной связались и очень тактично ,вежливо объяснили проблему и дали четкие инструкции, как можно доплатить за доставку. Я вам так признательна! Вы -лучшая компания!!! Спасибо вам. Отдельное спасибо за цветочки, очень нарядный, яркий букет.
Olga Kazak / г. Ишим / 27.04.2017bouquet rating:I want to express my gratitude to you for a job well done.
Oleg / г. Санкт-Петербург / 25.09.2016bouquet rating:Delivery was for my daughter in London. True delivered the next day on Monday as the output does not work, but I was warned in advance. I put a positive review.